by Leonie St Clair | Jul 19, 2023 | Featured Business, Features, People, Pets, SE Magazines
In 1963 psychologist Glen Jensen made a surprising discovery; rats, given the option of free food or food they had to work for opted for the latter. The phenomenon called contrafreeloading was to become the foundation for the recognition and gradual introduction of...
by Suzanne James | Jul 14, 2023 | Featured Business, Features, Food and Drink, People, SE Magazines, What's On
This is a simple way of preparing and serving a lovely summer fish dish. Serves 4 Preparation 20 minutes Ingredients For the Couscous 1300g (10oz) shelled fresh broad beans 200g (6.5oz) couscous 2tbsp roughly chopped fresh...
by Around Dulwich | Feb 9, 2023 | Featured Business, Features, Food and Drink, Health & Fitness, Local News, Out Today, SE Magazines
We love a good story here at Around Dulwich and this one is particularly lovely. Local mum Simone got in touch regarding her sons and their new enterprise. Here is what she told us. Prince and Alex Cook age 10 and 12 started making the family cold pressed juice...
by Around Dulwich | Dec 12, 2022 | Events, Featured Business, Features, Local News, News, People, SE Magazines, What's On
Mon 12 Dec: 7:30pm – 9:30pmDulwich Women’s Institute Monthly Meeting Tue 13 Dec: 7:00pm – 8:30pmLife Drawing & Painting Tue 13 Dec: 7:00pm – 8:00pmWeekly Online Breathing Class Tue 13 Dec: 7:30pm -8:30pmSocial Runs with DPR Wed 14 Dec:...
by Around Dulwich | Sep 30, 2022 | Events, Featured Business, Features, Local News, Out Today, People, SE Magazines, What's On
Our October magazines are being distributed today. Each magazine (SE21, SE22 & SE23) is available to read as a flipzines on this website. Please do feel free to share them with your friends and family. All our regular columnists have...