by Jessica Walker | Dec 2, 2018 | Home and Garden, News
Feed The Birds, Pinecone Bird feeder As the ground freezes, birds are looking for calorific food. This practical and attractive Pinecone covered in seed is perfect. You will need: * A large pinecone * Fat – I used lard * A plastic jug or bowl * Bird seed *...
by Jessica Walker | Oct 15, 2018 | Home and Garden, News
You will need: A wet oasis wreath base, I used 14inch Greenery of your choice, I picked mine from the garden Flowers of your choice, I used crystamums Munchkins and/or miniature guards Cocktail sticks, secateurs and a chopping board Step 1 Prepare your oasis wreath by...
by Around Dulwich | Oct 8, 2018 | Events
SoLo Craft Fair are thrilled to be holding a Christmas Craft market in the heart of the Dulwich Village on Saturday 24th November. St. Barnabus Parish Hall will be filled with over 50 independent traders selling the best in handmade crafts. There will also be a bar...
by Jessica Walker | Sep 18, 2018 | News
Cherish the last long light days of summer, entertaining and eating al fresco. Decorate your table with this impressive and unique Pineapple centrepiece. You will need… A large pineapple A selection of flowers and foliage A kitchen knife Decorative plate or chopping...
by Jessica Walker | Aug 14, 2018 | Home and Garden, News
In the mid summer heat, flowers can wilt and die quickly. Try this vibrant citrus centrepiece; it will last for days, even if the temperatures soar… You will need…. A selection of citrus fruit. I used Lemons, limes, small oranges, kumquats and physalis. An...