Around Dulwich – October news

Around Dulwich – October news

We have embraced the start of the new school year and all of the routine that comes with it. The long days of summer are but a distant memory as our attention returns to homework, swimming lessons, PTA cake sales and – for pupils entering Year 6 –...
Around Dulwich – September news

Around Dulwich – September news

We all adore our kids, but I always sense a collective sigh of relief around Dulwich when the summer holidays are over and our cherubs return back to school. We have had an amazing few weeks together, spending time with family and friends both here and in Greece, but...
Around Dulwich – August news

Around Dulwich – August news

School’s out for summer… and so is the Aperol! The end of term is always a busy time of year with Summer Fairs, Sports Day and a common condition called end-of-term-itis where eye-rolling and answering back is prevalent in even the sweetest of children and no amount...
Around Dulwich – July news

Around Dulwich – July news

I thought the two perks of my husband being away in Russia for the World Cup would be 1. Not having to watch as much football on the telly and 2. Having the bed all to myself. I could not have been more wrong – on both counts! My 8-year old cheerfully informed me that...
Around Dulwich – June news!

Around Dulwich – June news!

As the half-term break draws to a close, so the countdown to summer begins! The season of sunshine (if we’re lucky) brings with it longer days, after-school picnics, BBQs, ice-cold glasses of rosé, ice creams in the park and a subtle whiff of factor 50 in the air....