SE22 Councillor Jon Hartley

SE22 Councillor Jon Hartley

By Jon Hartley, Dulwich Hill Ward At the most recent Dulwich Community Council meeting, my fellow Dulwich Hill Councillor Maggie Browning and I were able to assign funding to local projects via the Cleaner Greener Safer fund, Neighbourhood Fund and Highways Capital...
Education news: Computer Whizz Kids

Education news: Computer Whizz Kids

Robert Payne, teacher of ICT at Alleyn’s, on how to bring on our child’s knowledge of ICT. “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” (Benjamin Franklin) Knowledge and experience of using computer systems is important in an ever-changing...


Sadly, our 15 year old cat Gordon died on Friday 8th March after being hit by a car on the evening while out patrolling. The thoughtfulness of the local community, who found him and contacted the RSPCA, spared him any undue suffering by comforting him and keeping him...
LinkedIn: five tips to start improving your profile

LinkedIn: five tips to start improving your profile

Is LinkedIn yet another thing on your “must do more of” list? As 2019 begins, what better time to get this underway. In the first monthly article about digital skills, here are five ideas to help you create a LinkedIn profile you’re proud of. That, in turn, may...