The 14th Dulwich Charity Lunch went with a bang last week raising a fantastic £2,220 for our local charity Link Age Southwark.
Local business men and women came together to enjoy their annual Christmas get together at the Palmerston. After ticket sales, the raffle and auction contributed to the final amount. We thank the following companies for their generous donations:
- Acorn Estates
- The Clipper
- Crunchers Accountants
- Daisylets and Sales
- Dulwich College Sports Club
- Dune Hypnotherapy
- Glazer Delmar
- Gymboree
- Helen Jermyn Photography
- House of Colour
- Lorna Clansey
- MAC Support
- Marcus Bishop Accountants
- The Palmerston
- Pickwick Estates
- Property In
- Push Studios
- Rigby & Mac
- Roullier White
- SE Magazines
- St James’s Place Financial Management
- Stephen Shillito Design
- Suzanne James Catering
- William Bailey Solicitors
- YiaYia’s Kouzina
Finally, a big thank you to the team at the Palmerston for their fabulous service.