The Two`s Company Theatre Company presents The Bard at St. Barnabas for Shakespeare`s Birthday and the 400th anniversary of Edward Alleyn`s Foundation.

A celebration in words & music with The Friends Musick chamber choir directed by Jordan Theis. Actors from Two’s Company directed by Tricia Thorns and music played by Ensemble Tramontana. All in period costume.

Introducing ‘Edward Alleyn’, contemporary & rival of the Bard, in commemoration of his founding of the Dulwich Estates in 1619, presented by Rev`d. John Watson. With scenes and speeches on the theme of The Seven Ages of Man and music & madrigals including composers such as Holborne, Morley, Ravenscroft & Weelkes.

Tickets: £10 & £8 (Concessions: Senior Citizens, Students) obtainable at the Art Stationers, Dulwich Village, SE21 7BN, online at or from the Church office: 020 8693 1524. Tickets also obtainable at the door. St Barnabas Church, Calton Avenue, SE21 7DG.

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