by Sarah Pylas | Sep 2, 2019 | Events
Well, there you have it. Another (wet) summer is over and I am another year older! I used to hate having my birthday over the August bank holiday as nobody is ever around to celebrate with you, but I enjoy it much more now that I’m older and am very content to share...
by Sarah Pylas | Jun 3, 2019 | Events
As one season ends, so another begins. The warmer months mean only one thing in my sport-obsessed household – cricket! No sooner than my son’s muddy football boots were left outside for the very last time this season and the cricket whites were out! Training is every...
by Sarah Pylas | May 1, 2019 | Events
My BABY (he’s almost 10) has gone away on a residential school trip to swing on ropes and learn to canoe! We have followed the packing list to the letter, but – if his previous trip is anything to go by – most of the ‘essential’ items will no doubt return neatly...
by Sarah Pylas | Oct 1, 2018 | Events
We have embraced the start of the new school year and all of the routine that comes with it. The long days of summer are but a distant memory as our attention returns to homework, swimming lessons, PTA cake sales and – for pupils entering Year 6 –...
by Sarah Pylas | Jul 2, 2018 | News
I thought the two perks of my husband being away in Russia for the World Cup would be 1. Not having to watch as much football on the telly and 2. Having the bed all to myself. I could not have been more wrong – on both counts! My 8-year old cheerfully informed me that...