A group of local residents are looking to raise funds from our local community to show support and care to the Kings College Hospital Healthcare heroes on the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis.
It started with a simple idea; providing community funded support to healthcare workers in local communities. Already off the ground in Sydney, Australia where a strong cup of coffee was the initial ask of local healthcare workers , they are now trying to mobilise the same community spirit and support for our South East London professionals during the COVID-19 crisis.
Jill Orr, who started the initiative, said: “I was sitting at home feeling like locals should come together to do something for Kings College Hospital front line workers, who are so much part of our community. I connected with my friend in Australia who had kicked off a similar campaign and reached out to Kings College Hospital to find out what they most needed. After speaking to Kings College Hospital administration staff I was put in contact with four amazing people who are running newly devised “WellBeing Centres” at Denmark Hill and Princess Royal King’s sites. They quickly outlined that they need fresh fruit, groceries and toiletries for staff on shift, finishing shifts and staff who are taking breaks in the Wellness Centres. Their support, guidance and quick decisions have been invaluable in ensuring that our efforts are well placed.”
In the current environment, all the work has done been remotely. Jill is co-ordinating the campaign from home, but couldn’t do any of it without the ideas and support of local companies and the community of people who are sharing this initiative and donating! In particular Jamie Younger from the Begging Bowl; Suzanne James at Suzanne James Catering; the team at Smith and Brock (who delivered the first 30 boxes of fresh fruit at 8am yesterday morning) and other hands on locals like Carolina Harvey and Alison Rawlings who have been targeting specific initiatives.
The group is finalising the delivery of take home grocery boxes with Smith and Brock; and the teams behind Suzanne James, DoorStep Deliveries and Ayres Bakeries will be delivering some much needed donuts and brioche to the front line staff soon. Behind all of this is the community of people donating money – the campaign is currently half way to target in just 2 days!
Please note: Buy Them a Coffee is not associated with local providers or the Healthcare Industry – they are simply looking to mobilise our community to help in a small way and are starting here… to follow along please visit: www.instagram.com/buythemacoffee_kch/
Beyond fundraising, if you would like to get involved or want to start a “buy them a coffee” initiative for your local hospital, please get in touch.