Elizabeth Matilda Halston (nee Dunkley) trained as a midwife in the 1920s, and embarked on a career that was to last nearly 25 years. This culminated in seven years as a domiciliary midwife with the London County Council when, in the most difficult and dangerous circumstances of war-torn Lambeth and Wandsworth, she delivered hundreds of babies to women in their own homes. She was an unsung hero of the Second World War, an ordinary woman who made an extraordinary contribution to the community in which she lived.

Her grandson, Robert Holden, will be delivering an illustrated lecture of her life and work at the next meeting of the Herne Hill Society, which will take place at the United Church Hall, corner of Herne Hill and Red Post Hill SE24 9PW on Wednesday 9th May 2018 at 1945.  All are welcome and admission is free.

The lecture lasts approximately 90 minutes and there will be a number of Elizabeth’s midwifery artefacts and contemporary objects on display. Afterwards there are questions, and people often share their memories of childbirth, which are most welcome.

