“U3A provided me with opportunities to use and develop skills which I had acquired earlier in my life, and that does wonders for one’s self-esteem.”
“Being part of a group which is learning and interacting, gives me a lot of satisfaction”.
“I found coming to U3A I met people who had been in a similar situation to me.”
These are just a few of the comments made by members of U3A.
For many people U3A has been a life-changing experience, particularly when they retired, or perhaps at a difficult time in their life, or when they were bored or lonely, or just wanted to do something different.
U3A began in the UK over thirty years ago and there are now a thousand groups throughout the country with a membership of over 400,000 older people. There is a small fee for membership, which in D &D is £25.00 a year. The groups are all run by members who are volunteers. They learn together (and play together) in subject groups. No qualifications are expected or given. The purpose of the U3A is to promote lifelong learning in groups of like-minded people who want to share an interest, hobby or pastime.
Dulwich & District U3A has over 80 interest groups! The choice is impressive and covers: Art, Archaeology, Astronomy, Boules, Computing, Crafts, Cycling, Films, Genealogy, History, Languages, Music, Museum and Gallery visits, Opera, Poetry, Photography, Quizzes, Scrabble, Shakespeare, Play Reading, Tennis, Theatre, Ukulele, Walking, Writing, Zumba and much, much more!
Evidence commissioned by NICE (the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) concluded that participation in creative and physical activities could improve mental health and wellbeing.
The Dulwich and District U3A is relatively new but its rapid growth, with over five hundred members, has demonstrated a demand for such a group. Our U3A covers Herne Hill, Forest Hill, Honor Oak, Sydenham and Peckham, although anyone living further away is welcome. Our monthly meetings, with guest speakers usually take place in Herne Hill and individual interest groups meet in private homes or community centres. Outings and visits to museums may incur an extras charge but all monthly meetings and interest groups are covered by the yearly fee.
Our Open Day Interest Groups Fair takes place on Thursday September 13th from 12.00 – 2.00 pm at St Barnabas Hall, 23 Dulwich Village SE21 7BT.
Do come and see what the 80 groups have to offer. Most Groups will have a display of work and Conveners will be available to talk to.
No need for boredom or loneliness. We may have the answer for you, or a friend or a relative.
You can find more information about Dulwich & District U3A at www.dulwich-u3a.uk