Peckham Sponsors Refugees are now delighted to launch their fundraising page
They have a fundraising target of £20,000 which will secure a deposit on a home, furniture and provide extensive, expensive support with interpretation and counselling. They need to hit £9,000 before they can formally start the process with the Home Office.
How can you help?
Peckham Sponsors Refugees are arranging several fundraising events which will help build awareness of this cause and raise funds… But there is loads that you can all do individually or in smaller groups to get the ball rolling.
- Donate! Visit the page now
peckhamsponsorsrefugees and remember to include gift aid with your donation (if you are eligible). - Share the link. If you’ve been talking to your friends and families about this initiative then I’m sure you’ve had lots of offers of support. Please send the link to anyone who’s shown an interest, or post it on social media.
- Can you raise money through work/social groups/school? You might want to organise a bake sale for the office or a bucket collection in your school playground. Please feel free to organise your own smaller fundraising efforts and let the finance and fundraising team know if you need any support.
- Sponsorships. There is one member of the community group cycling to Brighton, another running a marathon and one couple pledging their wedding gift list to PSR. You can set up your own fundraising page which is linked to PSR by visiting
peckhamsponsorsrefugees. The finance and fundraising team will be happy to support in any way needed. - Get involved with events. Please look out for fundraising events. Please get involved, come along and bring your friends.
Diary dates:
Tuesday 24th April
The Ivy House – Pub Quiz: Our very first fundraising event! The quiz will be hosted by local actor, William Baltyn and will explore the parks, bridges, stations and trivia of London. Bring some friends and have some fun to support Peckham Sponsors Refugees. £5 tickets available here
Saturday 16th June
National refugee week – events all week