December saw the launch of Peckham Levels and with it a 4000sqft open access screen printing facility combining paper, t-shirt and fabric printing. On 22nd November 3rd Rail, the studio behind the print space launched a Kickstarter to raise money for refurbishment costs:

3rd Rail have been operating as a commercial screen printing studio for over 10 years having completed projects for some of the most recognisable brands and illustrators in the world. “Over the years we’ve perfected some pretty experimental techniques’ says co-director Rob. “We’re really excited about the possibility of exchanging ideas with people who are just as passionate and curious as us”

The aim is to build a comprehensive print hub and modern learning environment that will make screen printing accessible to a new audience whilst providing a wealth of equipment for those already working in the medium.

There will of course be the standard pay monthly memberships and for those looking for a more involved experience there’ll be the opportunity to take advantage of one of the 24 desk or 5 private studio spaces. Members can also use the commercial quality 6 colour garment carousel, a 3m tunnel dryer, two 6m x 1.5m fabric tables, 4 brand new paper tables one of which is capable of printing up to 1m x 1.5m, a stencil processing unit, enclosed exposure unit, washout and drying cabinet, bullet steamer and a huge 80cm x 100cm heat press.

Novices interested in learning are invited to sign up to one of the single day workshops. Those wanting to build on existing knowledge on the other hand can enrol in one of the intermediate or specialist courses delivered by experienced on site technicians.

“As a small business trying to fund this project has been really challenging” says co-director Ian. After raising enough for rent and bills 3rd Rail experienced a shortfall in trying to cover refurbishment costs. With the launch fast approaching they’ve decided run a Kickstarter to raise the additional £10,000 needed to make this print dream a reality.

Supporters can take advantage of discounted memberships, workshops, studio and desk space.

There’s also the opportunity to grab something from a capsule collection of limited edition screen prints and t-shirts developed with the studio’s favourite artists and illustrators. All donations will also receive a ticket to the launch event where they’ll get to print their own tote bag.

For more information about 3rd Rail and 3rd Rail Print Space:

Instagram/Twitter/Facebook: @3rdrailclothing

Instagram/Facebook: @3rdrailprintspace | Twitter: @3rprintspace
