Front garden

The Dulwich Society’s Garden Group is focusing on front gardens this year. Their spring talk is on what we can all do to enhance our front gardens, with an expert panel of professional garden designers, Pamela Johnson, Nigel Watts and Anthony Noel.

The talk will be at Alleyn’s School and there will be a glass of wine and a chance to meet the speakers afterwards.  The talk should give useful pointers for our 2016 front garden competition.

“Let’s be front garden proud” – talk, 7.30pm Wednesday 9th March at Alleyn’s School. Tickets are £7 each.  For further details and an application form, see .

Front garden competition 2016
The Dulwich Society’s Garden Group is also sponsoring a front garden competition in 2016.  Entry is free, and open to all households in the Dulwich area.

The closing date for entry is 31 May, with judging taking place in June.  The judges will take into account initial impact (those vital first impressions), the design and arrangement of the garden, planting and the quality of husbandry.

Prizes will be awarded: the Front Garden of the Year, £100 Garden Voucher; five Gold Prizes of £50 Garden Vouchers, and five Silver Prizes of £25 each.

Entry forms are also available on .