Give it a try! are a social enterprise established in August 2014, building character in young people through rugby in state primary and secondary school. Working in over 20 schools in Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham the last academic year has seen tremendous growth in the programme with in excess of 750 children engaging with the programme and 26 hours of rugby coaching delivered per week, over the school year.
13% of children have enjoyed the sessions so much that they have transferred from the programme to local rugby clubs to further their rugby experience, developing strong links between schools and the local community. Within the programme 30% of all young people involved are girls and the programme is reaching, on average 275 children per week.
The 2016-2017 Academic year proves to be equally as positive with a new programme being put in place to further utilise the positive nature of rugby as a sport that builds character, resilience and confidence in young people. The aim is to enhance the educational element of the programme using workshops and assemblies to reinforce the positive impact of the game supporting England Rugby’s core values: teamwork, respect, enjoyment, discipline and sportsmanship, to facilitate improvements in attainment and attendance, with appropriate measures in place to assess the programme’s impact.
The programme is currently funded through a combination of direct school funding, extensive funding by Sport England as well as England Rugby. Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham boroughs are all fully supportive of the programme as is London Sport the London wide county partnership and all have signed up to partner with the programme in 2016-2017.
On a personal note, the founder, Spike Kenny has recently received a number of awards for his work as a volunteer through the programme:
- Kent RFU Junior Rugby Volunteer of the Year 2016
- London PE & School Sports Network Volunteer of the Year 2016
The programme is a social enterprise and therefore is dependent on support and funding by local authorities, national sports agencies and the local community so if you are an organisation or an individual who would like to support Give it a try! please contact Spike Kenny on 020 8291 0832 or
Facebook – giveitatryrugby
Twitter – @giveitatryrugby
building character through rugby