Bees and Honey
14th November at 6pm
After the first year of beekeeping at Bell House, come and find out how we established our apiary, from the arrival of the bees to our first honey harvest, and how you can do the same. Along the way you will learn about bees, beekeeping and, of course, honey!
How to make Dyslexia your Superpower
15th November at 7:30pm
Margaret Rooke, a writer, went on a journey of discovery after her daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia, interviewing successful adults for her bestselling book ‘Creative, Successful Dyslexic. 23 High Achievers Share Their Stories’, followed up by ‘Dyslexia is my Superpower (Most of the Time)’. Hear what has transformed Margaret’s way of thinking about dyslexia; and what she has learned about how best to support your children and yourselves.
Dal: Cookery Demonstration
17th November at 10am
Led by Sara Bham, in this workshop we will cook and sample different types of dal from northern and southern Pakistan, discuss which chutneys go well with them, and whether you prefer the rice or the bread as an accompaniment whilst sipping a steaming mug of chai.
Violin and Cello Recital
23rdNovember at 7pm
Save the date for a violin and cello recital given by Ada Witczykand an accompanying cellist. Join exciting new baroque partnership 82 Degrees as they explore the expressive limits of the violin and cello at the Bell House. Take a seat and discover the music of Haydn, Bach, Corelli and Biber.
Learning to Care
24th November at 10am
The Learning to Care project at Bell House has been set up to help educate people on how to care for and support their elderly family, friends and neighbours through a series of talks and short films. At our first event you will hear from a carer, geriatrician and solicitor, followed by a panel discussion. A free event with breakfast provided from 9.15am.
How to… make your own stationery
24th November at 11am
Led by master bookbinder Ina Baumeister, make an elegant notebook with elastic closure and exposed spine. Come and get a taste of bookbinding and enjoy creating a finished and useful item. A perfect Christmas present.
SANE Mental Health Workshop
27th November at 6pm
SANE’s unique awareness workshop aims to tackle common educational gaps in mental health head on through informal discussion and interactive exercises. This workshop will include discussion and exercises on what mental health is, depression, anxiety disorders, and psychosis, bipolar disorders and schizophrenia.
How does my child’s dyslexia affect me? Talk by John Hicks
28th November at 7pm
When their children are assessed to have dyslexia, parents can be set on their own path of self-discovery, which can impact how they interact with their own children’s circumstances. John Hicks, a parenting and neurodiversity coach, will talk through questions which can arise as parents navigate the challenges ahead.