Is there anything more quintessentially British than sitting on a picnic rug in a green field and watching Shakespeare? All time favourites, The Handlebards, are back in full force this evening with Romeo and Juliet and should not be missed! Taking place on the fields of JAGS Sports Club, this performance is sure to bring a great big smile to your face and is brilliant for all ages, making it a lovely outing for the whole family! So, grab a picnic rug and a jumper and enjoy this wonderful outdoor theatre experience. Food and drinks available at Copper Beech Café (please don’t bring dogs).
Over at Dulwich College Adam Kay will be talking about his new book, Undoctored, reflecting on life after medicine.
We’d love to see your photos from the day – be sure to tag us @dulwichfestival and @artistopenhse on Instagram!
@jagssportsclubindulwich @copperbeechcafenorthdulwich @handlebards @amateuradam
@villagebooksdulwich @thecurtisbrowngroup @dulwichcollege