The 21st Dulwich Charity Lunch is taking place on Friday 9th December and help raise some funds for this very worthy, local charity. 
Angela Burgess from SE Magazines is organising the lunch for the 17th year and confirms that the lunch will be held at The Lordship Pub as it was last year.  The restaurant is closed for the event! 

It is also a great excuse to have lunch and a few drinks before Christmas.  So arrival is 12.30 pm and we plan to start eating at 1.15 pm.  Only come if you have the time to enjoy the two courses on offer, we won’t be finished by 2pm! 
Tickets are £35 for a two-course lunch with wine.  Remember £5 goes direct to Link Age Southwark.  The menu will be send out a menu nearer the time and you will be able to pre-book your choice.  All dietary requirements will be catered for. 

How to book 
Please book via our online booking form. Once you have booked you will receive an e-mail on how to pay.   Bookings will be confirmed by e-mail only when payment is received.  
You cannot book direct with the Lordship Pub, so please go to our website for the booking details.  

Raffle and auction prizes 

As always we are looking to raise a bumper amount for Link Age Southwark this year, so need prize donations for the auction and raffle.   
It doesn’t have to relate to your own business; bottles of booze are always popular!  You can bring it with you on the day, but do let me know beforehand if you are going to donate a prize.   
Only 10 tickets left!