by Sarah Pylas | Sep 2, 2019 | Events
Well, there you have it. Another (wet) summer is over and I am another year older! I used to hate having my birthday over the August bank holiday as nobody is ever around to celebrate with you, but I enjoy it much more now that I’m older and am very content to share...
by Sarah Pylas | Aug 1, 2019 | News
Is today Thursday or Saturday? I’m already at that point in the school summer holidays where every day feels like a weekend and my kid expects me to treat every day like one too! Except, I’m working from home so I have booked him into cricket camp for a few days and...
by Sarah Pylas | Jul 1, 2019 | News
Last month was possibly one of the most exciting in cinema history! Never before has a new film release been more eagerly anticipated… well in my household anyway! I was so excited that I walked into East Dulwich Picturehouse and pre-booked tickets just so I could see...
by Sarah Pylas | Jun 3, 2019 | Events
As one season ends, so another begins. The warmer months mean only one thing in my sport-obsessed household – cricket! No sooner than my son’s muddy football boots were left outside for the very last time this season and the cricket whites were out! Training is every...
by Sarah Pylas | May 1, 2019 | Events
My BABY (he’s almost 10) has gone away on a residential school trip to swing on ropes and learn to canoe! We have followed the packing list to the letter, but – if his previous trip is anything to go by – most of the ‘essential’ items will no doubt return neatly...