Our April magazines are being distributed today. Each magazine (SE21, SE22 & SE23) is available to read as a flipzine on this website. Please do feel free to share them with your friends and family.
All our regular columnists have contributed to our April issues including Suzanne James with a fabulous recipe for watercress soup. Janine Winlaw highlights what you need to do this month in Garden Talk. Fitness Tips with Leanne Spencer discussing daydreaming.
The Last Word in SE22 is Matthew Preedy from Vits + Kicks on North Cross Road.
We are delighted to bring you a preview of the Dulwich Festival which is back in person this year!
This is just a selection of what is in store for you in our community magazines. Please do take time to look at our advertisers. They rely on local custom and need it now, more than ever. If you do phone or e-mail someone after seeing their ad in any of the magazines, please do tell them!