Plastic Free East Dulwich is a local community group working to raise awareness and drive behaviour change around the issue of plastic pollution.
Part of Plastic Free Communities, a national campaign by marine conservation charity Surfers Against Sewage, involving over 500 communities across the UK.
Plastic Free East Dulwich is working towards Plastic Free Community status for East Dulwich within four key areas: local governance, business, schools and community groups and events.
Southwark Council have now committed to removing all single-use plastic from council premises and supporting all Plastic Free initiatives in the borough and council members sit on the steering group and regularly attend events.
They have 9 local businesses who have already achieved Plastic Free Champion status, having removed or replaced at least 3 items of single-use plastic from their operations.
Talks and assemblies are being run at all local schools and with other local community groups to raise awareness and encourage all schools, organisations and community spaces to reduce and ultimately remove single-use plastic from their premises.
Community clean events are run quarterly with other talks and screenings sporadicallly throughout the year.
The next event is a talk by Extinction Rebellion (Climate Change: Heading for Extinction and What to do About It), to be held at the Lordship Pub at 7pm on Thursday 13th June. Tickets available on Eventbrite. The next Community Clean event is on Sunday 23rd June, 11am at Green Dale Fields (behind Dulwich Hamlet FC).
To get involved, hear about upcoming events or simply support the campaign please follow: